CRJ-700 Flashcards Study Guide


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CRJ-700/900 Flashcards Study Guide app is used by pilots to help with memory recollection of aircraft systems and CRJ knowledge. This CRJ-700/900 app features CRJ Systems Flash Cards, CRJ-700/900 Memory Items, CRJ-700/900 Limitations & full CRJ-700/900 cockpit panels.CRJ-700/900 FLASH CARD CATEGORIESt:Aircraft GeneralAPUAuto Flight Control SystemsCommunicationCrew AwarenessElectricalEnginesFire Protection & DetectionFlight ControlsFlight InstrumentsFuel System HydraulicsIce Detection & ProtectionLanding Gear & BrakesOxygenPneumatics & Pressurization
The CRJ-700/900 app also contains a Flight Planning feature used all around the world to file flight plans and check weather. Also included is an aviation conversion calculator to quickly convert:Foot - MetreNautical Mile - Statute MileNautical Mile - KilometerInch - MetrePound - KilogramGallon - US LitreGallon - imp LitreFahrenheit - CelsiusPressure inHg - hPaGallons - LBSknots - MPH
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